
Volti Audio Headphone Stands

Greg Roberts of Volti Audio sent me a set of his brand-new headphone stands ($149 each). Headphone guys wouldn’t have any real reason to know about Volti Audio, or my love affair with his giant […]


PS Audio DirectStream DAC | Review

There’s a lot that probably could be said about PS Audio‘s new DAC, the DirectStream. Which is probably why a lot has. Ha! What any of that matters, at this point anyway, will depend entirely on who you […]

CanJam SoCal 2015

CanJam SoCal 2015, Part 2: In-Ear Monitors

  By Lee Shelly Ultimate Ears On Friday, I was part of a group tour at Ultimate Ears, conducted by General Manager Philippe Depallens. It was amazing seeing their two processes for creating custom in-ear monitors. […]