The Story
There are two types of people in this world:
1) Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data.
I say that because they say a picture is worth a thousand words, and this article is a photo journal of the Capital Audio Fest Marketplace Fair nestled inside the Hilton atrium (and a few hallways). Many of these vendors travel the audio show circuit, carrying their wares all across the country. Many of the merchants specifically have also been present (and hustling) at Axpona and Rocky Mountain Audiofest this year. It’s good to know that road warrior peddlers still exist, not just in this industry, but anywhere.
A complete run down of manufacturers and vendors can be found RIGHT HERE (just scroll to the bottom)
Let’s take a tour.
This is a link to the exhibitors . . . http://www.capitalaudiofest.com/p4308.html