CES 2013: MBL
Saying that MBL makes audio equipment almost misses the point. Even in the rarefied air of audio’s high-end, MBL is something different again. Said another way, there are good speakers, there are great speakers, there […]
Saying that MBL makes audio equipment almost misses the point. Even in the rarefied air of audio’s high-end, MBL is something different again. Said another way, there are good speakers, there are great speakers, there […]
Auralic was showing off the new Vega DAC ($3,500). Features include: Megahertz upsampling algorithm up-samples all PCM music to 1.5MHz in 32bit; Femto Master Clock provides an ultimate clock precision with jitter only 82 femtoseconds […]
I am man enough to admit it. I have a little crush on Manley Labs. The gear. Well, yes, I squeal like a little girl whenever I happen to catch a glimpse of EveAnna Manley, […]
One of the last rooms on my jaunts through the Venetian was to hear the Lamm/Verity pairing. The Lamm ML2.2 monos ($37k/pair) are regarded as, perhaps, one of the finest sounding SET amps on the […]
I think you’d have to fallen asleep in a faerie circle to have missed Dan D’Agostino‘s return to high-end audio. The Momentum Series amplifiers are, arguably, one of the best-looking currently on offer — chromed […]
I am unfair to Hegel, it’s true, though it has nothing to do with the company and everything to do with the philosopher. Hegel’s contribution was a voluminous derivation of just about everything from rational […]
Anthony Gallo Acoustics, aka “Round Sound”, has been making metal spheres sing for some time now, and to considerable acclaim. I spent two hours, one Fall day some years ago in the now-defunct Sound Images […]
Talon Loudspeakers is one of those brands that occasionally crops up in Internet forums, you know, whenever someone starts a flame war over “the best loudspeakers ever”. I’ve never had a chance to demo anything […]
Cary Audio brought one, two, three new digital toys to the show at CES this year! The first is the DMC-600 Digital Music Server ($4,995), shown above, which includes a CD transport, 384kHz sampling on […]
Kondo/Audio Note assembled a rather elegant room at CES this year, showing off their $75k/pair Biyura loudspeakers, which feature an all-new enclosure. The Biyura are a field-coil magnet design with a horn-tweeter with a “pure […]
Constellation Audio brought a pair of Magico Q7 loudspeakers to demo their new gear at CES, so I suppose you could say that no matter what happened, this was going to be a popular room. […]
It’s hard not to laugh out loud in sheer amazement at seeing the big boulder amps stacked up like this. This is considerably beyond what the word “massive” can capture.
Acoustic Zen‘s Robert Lee, shown here adjusting the volume after loading another CD, makes the most incredible sounding rooms at audio shows. For the last several shows, he’s been carting around the same kit, more […]
By some measures, the Joseph Audio/Bel Canto/VPI room at the Venetian was one of the more modest on display. The most expensive element, by far, was the $28k Pearl 3 loudspeakers from Joseph Audio.
There are a few — a precious few — audio companies investing in their aesthetic as part of their appeal. Given how much high-end audio components cost, as a rule, I have zero issues with […]
Bryan Stanton of J.B. Stanton Communications got me 15 minutes with Pass Labs designer Wayne Colburn, the gent responsible for this year’s new Xs Preamp release. Desmond Harrington, also a designer but now the company’s […]
Pass Labs is a legend in the audio industry. No, really — they are. Any time you ask a group of audiophiles about amp designers deserving the label of “super hero”, Nelson Pass is right […]
It’s a quest, of sorts. Noble, even. Or, at the very least, a voyage of self-preservation. “How am I ever going to get my wife to let me put speakers in the big room?” Some […]
B.M.C. stands for “Balanced Music Concept”, and B.M.C. Audio is the company that’s making some pretty, and pretty interesting, waves these days. Heard of them? I’ve met Carlos Candeias at a few audio shows, now, […]
I am a fan of Darren & Bonnie’s (Avatar Acoustics) rooms. Lemme tell you, they put on a full-package deal, from the heated Himalayan rock-salt lamps, to the aroma therapy candles, and the sultry tunes. […]
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