Marc’s Florida Audio Expo Wrap-Up | FLAX 2020
My reason for wanting to cover the 2020 Florida Audio Expo was ostensibly about taking a break from the cruel Rochester winter. When I arrived in Tampa on Thursday evening, the temperature was in […]
My reason for wanting to cover the 2020 Florida Audio Expo was ostensibly about taking a break from the cruel Rochester winter. When I arrived in Tampa on Thursday evening, the temperature was in […]
I’ve had a lot of recent seat time with MartinLogan, McIntosh and AudioQuest. I just finished a review of the MartinLogan 35XTi monitors with the Dynamo 800X subwoofer, which should be published soon. I just […]
MUNICH (PTA) — It has been reported that the High End show, which was scheduled to take place at the MOC in Munich from May 14th to 17th 2020, has been cancelled for this year. […]
Ever since I reviewed the Sonus Faber Olympica Nova I, I’ve been curious to listen to the rest of the line. I did manage to hear the flagship of the line, the Nova V, at […]
TAMPA, FL (PTA) — Back again, to tell it like it is. This year’s Florida Audio Expo delivered on all of the promises made in 2019. New for 2020: more exhibitors. For me that’s enough, […]
TAMPA, FL (PTA) — Classic Audio Loudspeakers, Purist Audio Design, and Atma-Sphere host one of the best getaway rooms at the Florida Audio Expo. Technics, Tri-Planar, Van den Hul, Air Tight, and Studer come along […]
I’ve gone on and on about my long history with Raven Audio, back to when they were the big fish in the small pond that is the Lone Star Audio Fest. In fact, I’ve just […]
In my coverage of Eikon Audio, I noted how I failed to recognize audio legend Gayle Sanders when he first approached me. I did the same exact thing in the ModWright Instruments and EgglestonWorks room […]
The Eikon Audio room at the 2020 Florida Audio Expo was sort of an enigma at first sight–a single pair of speakers set very far apart against a very plain backdrop with a faint projection […]
Spendor is BACK! Yeah, I know I already used that line with the Bob Carver room, but in this case it’s a little more personal. I started my high-end audio journey with Spendor, first with […]
My sudden obsession with having Tool’s Fear Inoculum played at high-end audio shows is directly related to my love for Qobuz. Tool released their entire catalog on Qobuz, as well as their first album in […]
If you’ve listened to our Florida Audio Expo wrap-up on The Occasional Podcast, you’ll know that there was once again consensus on the most impressive room at the show–Von Schweikert and VAC, hosted by Atlanta-based […]
TAMPA, FL (PTA) — PureAudioProject and the usual cohorts Pass Labs, VPI Industries, Van den Hul, and Luminous Audio Technology put together a room in Florida that exemplifies all that is fun about the hi-fi […]
TAMPA, FL (PTA) — Frank Gazzo and the Antal Audio Group are the US importers for Tsakiridis Devices, Triangle, and Soulines. Which as a stable of component brands the trio brings forth a lot of […]
Words and Photography by Dave McNair When any audio company designs gear, there are many things involved in that process but a few common factors emerge: measurements, listening, and the people that perform those functions. […]
Reported by Dave McNair When I walked into the Joseph Audio, Doshi Audio and Cardas Audio room at the 2020 Florida Audio Expo, I heard Jeff Joseph playing Brubeck’s “Take Five” and instantly thought, “It […]
TAMPA, FL (PTA) — This is a story of restraint. High Fidelity Cables, Bafflex Loudspeakers, Luminance Audio, and Esoteric put together an exhibit room that baffles the mind (pun intended) and wowed the senses at […]
Keeley Forsyth: Debris File Under: a gothic-style of vocalization Keeley Forsyth is a composer, singer and actor from Oldham in the north-west of England. Her first album is astonishing and emotional. Probably falls into the […]
TAMPA, FL (PTA) — Gershman Acoustics along with exaSound, VAC, VPI, and Nordost put on quite the display. Presented by the Hi-Fi industry power couple, Eli and Ofra Gershman, the system shined with spirit as […]
TAMPA, FL (PTA) — Continually showing one of the better sounding affordable rooms at audio shows, it’s Black Ice Audio which comes from the popular Jolida family of electronics and builds upon the designs of […]
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