The Audio Company, VAC, Von Schweikert, Masterbuilt | HUBCON 2022

The Audio Company

Editor’s Note: Before we dive into Hubcon 2022 coverage, let’s take care of the elephant in the room—what the hell is Hubcon? Hubcon is a gathering of Part-Time Audiophile writers and editors. During our planning of this strategic-social event several exotic locations were discussed: those included Toronto, Hawaii, and Cartagena. Alas, we decided on something closer to home for our initial outing—the state of North Carolina. Home to both Dave McNair and Eric Franklin Shook, and within reach of Grover Neville, Graig Neville, and Jameson Mourafetis. In short, Hubcon is where love and audiophilia meet and shake hands.

The Official System of Hubcon 2022

If this system looks familiar, it is.

If you attended AXPONA 2022, and had your senses about you, you might have wandered into the exhibit room where The Audio Company (website) were showing the new Von Schweikert Ultra 7 speakers with flagship components from VAC electronics. Our own Marc Phillips covered this award winning system at AXPONA 2022, a report that you can read here.

Words and Photos by Eric Franklin Shook

You may be asking yourself: “How in the hell did you poor saps get a hold of this magnificent audiophile gear?

That was the same question we were asking ourselves as a box-truck with several pallets of crated speakers and amplifiers parked in Dave’s driveway. At the ready a team of The Audio Company representatives willing to unload, unbox, and setup the system fresh off the tour at AXPONA 2022.

Also at the ready to box-up and take away the awaiting review system comprising of Ultra 55s (reviewed here) and the VAC amplifiers that we first heard at CAF 2021 (another show report that you can read here).

First, let’s bask in the glory of some system photos before turning back to the prose.

The Audio Company

The Audio Company

The Audio Company

The Audio Company System Setup

This is what ultra-high-end sales and white-glove service is all about, and no offense but this is what sets a high-end dealer apart from the online catalogs and retail cash-n-carry audiomarts.

To have The Audio Company mavens out to the Hubcon house to do all they did, and set up the system to proper form, is astounding. Not only that, we had Leif Swanson of Von Schweikert on hand to oversee and direct the proceedings.

During Lief’s visit, which lasted a few days, we played with various alignments allowed by the Ultra 7s exceptionally wide dispersion capabilities. Making a case for their versatility in complex domestic environments.

Grover Neville a Part-Time Audiophile contributor, and Christopher Livengood of EMBER Audio + Design were now in attendance, lending their own ears and expertise on speaker placement to the mix. Our brain trust for the Hubcon was growing, but only to get bigger as more attendees arrived.

We’ll dive into our listening experiences in a forthcoming article, because at this point in the story, not all of our Hubcon attendees are yet present. The festivities are just beginning.