AXPONA 2018: HHR Exotic Speakers tame the angles
The Story Axpona rooms that draw a crowd are a pleasure to report on. Yes it does make my job to cover them a little harder, but I like the input I get from attendees. […]
The Story Axpona rooms that draw a crowd are a pleasure to report on. Yes it does make my job to cover them a little harder, but I like the input I get from attendees. […]
I dropped in to check on what MBL is showing these days, and as always, they continue to dazzle me. Still on their worldwide tour, showcasing their newest MBL Noble Line of electronics, each hand […]
I’ve been a fan of Audio Research for a while. It started back around 1990 with a trip to Lyric Hifi in New York City where I was lucky enough to find the legendary Mike […]
David Wilson may not have invented the high-end speaker, but his designs did much to define the category. Wilson’s Watt/Puppy, which began as a one-off project to help Wilson better monitor live recordings, became one […]
Uh oh. Something was really off. The Velvet Fog’s voice was all over the place. The sibilance was nasty. Next I know, I am standing next to a finely made miniature metal hand crank. Dave […]
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller Spatial Audio, Linear Tube Audio, and Fern & Roby each arrive at a new reference this weekend at Axpona, and […]
The Von Schweikert ULTRA 11 tour has made its way around to Axpona. Along with familiar faces in both Esoteric and VAC. The Story Exhibitors at audio shows are known for hosting after-hours listening parties, […]
I’m getting tired of talking about how perfect TIDAL speakers are, and how great of a dealer and exhibitor Doug White of The Voice That Is! … is. So I won’t. Instead I’m going to […]
by Nina Sventitsky The week of April 23rd began with aromas of ripe strawberries, hues of onionskin, pale salmon, and deep ruby, all captured in bottles of chilled zesty freshness. For me, rosé season kicked […]
Climbing the peaks of the auditory mountain top can be quite the adventure, that is, if you have the right guide. Step in Dr. Andrew S. Collen, better known in audiophile circles as the The […]
Bigger and better than ever, this years Expo Hall at AXPONA was alone worth the cost of admission. Vendors were pulling all the stops with their displays and demo exhibits. Traffic was consistent throughout the […]
The role of silence in the music is more important than most casual listeners understand. Silence eliminates the world around you, allowing the music to stand distinctly from all else. Silence in music is how […]
A tale of record collecting and awakening — along the way we visit a hi-fi shop One afternoon while collecting Krispy Kreme donuts with my friend Vivian, she began a discussion concerning her vinyl collection. […]
Audiophiles like smoothness. Audiophiles don’t like rough edges, bumps or dips in frequency response, falloff in off-axis listening, hot treble, or exaggerated bass. Linear playback without attention being drawn to any particular part of the […]
An emotional journey into political contemplation and social suffering wasn’t what I expected to leave the Verity Audio room with. The delivery medium however; compelling, infectious, and memorable. Stand out moments in my listening experiences […]
Concurrent with my receipt of the amplifier up for review here, Linear Tube Audio’s (LTA) ZOTL 10 Mk.II, came another welcome piece of news: the well-regarded German jazz/classical label ECM had decided to release its […]
by Paul Ashby After the piece had been running for about a week, I decided to do a bit of customer research and I went to the park with a translator and asked the old […]
Paul Manos of High Fidelity Services in Hingham, Massachusetts is a perennial show favourite. Their exhibit at this year’s Axpona was no different. Paul was pulling double-duty between two rooms showcasing his curated stable of brands, […]
by Angel Haggar It is Spring 2015. I’m in my ninth year of being knee-deep in babies and diapers. It’s the life I always wanted. Well, I cry more than I thought I would, but […]
A Photo Tour Everything I love about audio shows seldom has to do with audio. Axpona in Chicago proves to be one of the more lovable hi-fi events in America, as it pulls the largest crowds […]
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