My last day of the Salon Audio Montreal was spent somewhat in introspection. First off I couldn’t believe my time here was coming to end in what like such a short time, and secondly I get like this at every show because I realize that these gatherings of the tribe are like snowflakes: each infinitely unique, each lasting just a moment, relatively speaking.

Organizers Sarah Tremblay, and Michele Plante had pulled off a solid hit with their second tour de force in the comeback of the Montreal Audio Fest following a seeming demise, and resurrection last year after being dropped by the Chester Group. Every day brought large crowds, with Saturday seeming to strain the Bonaventure Hotel to capacity. Sunday was not far off, with many rooms packed shoulder-to-shoulder as I made way around.

Show-goers, and vendors alike were effusive with their praises about the show in the snatches of conversation I overheard as I took in the sounds of about a dozen rooms, and many attendees seemed hesitant to leave the show rooms as presenters announced “last song of the day” like a bartender at a pub near closing time. The same as a night out with too many pints I found myself a bit drunk on the good vibes that continued to emanate from everyone around me, and it was with genuine sadness that the realization of Monday’s coming hangover would be proof that the party was over. But at least I had a hell of a good time.

Look for more coverage on Montreal in the coming week after I return home to Vancouver.
–Rafe Arnott
These components are from Thrax Audio: http://www.thrax.bg/index.php
I just arrived back in Vancouver from Montreal. I’ll be following up with a post on Show highlights in the next day or two, and I’ll have more on this room.
Who makes the components in the massif audio stand?