With the Vancouver Audio Show that was scheduled to run June 23rd to June 25th no longer appearing on show organizer The Chester Group’s website, Igor Kivritsky of Hifi Centre in downtown Vancouver is stepping in to put on a specialized high fidelity show in it’s stead.

Kivritsky will configure the large, multi-room Hifi Centre to feature five separate, uniquely -curated systems, demonstrate a number of high-fidelity products, and host a large headphone/amplifier area as well. With ideas including a luxury car show, food trucks, live music, and refreshments, the idea behind the event is to highlight a number of audiophile brands presented together, and create an environment for music lovers, and gear heads alike to come together to celebrate high-end audio in Vancouver.

Brands included in the demo rooms will range from Bryston, McIntosh, Sonus Faber, Focal, Clearaudio, Naim, B&W, Audioquest, and NAD, to Magnepan, REL, Chord, Audeze, Hifi Man, Sennheiser, and many more.

Look for further information here at Part-Time Audiophile about the event leading up to the June 24th weekend it’s being held. Vancouver area audiophiles interested to hear more can call Hifi Centre at either 604-688-5502, or 1-888-232-9995. Email them at info@hificentre.com.
–Rafe Arnott
Did you cover the LAAS? I wondered if you had any feedback.