More for your Halloween
The Thing on The Doorstep From the Nearly Complete Lovecraft Collection
The Thing on The Doorstep From the Nearly Complete Lovecraft Collection
There are a few rooms at these shows I can nearly always count on to bring it in terms of a comfortable, pleasant listening experience: not gosh-wow fireworks or the kind of thing that sounds […]
There are a couple of rooms on the audio show circuit that are pretty much a guarantee of goodness. Acoustic Zen is one. Robert Lee was showing off one of my favorite finishes on the […]
Theoretically, the thing that should matter most when it comes to a hifi system is the sound, right? Well, yes, obviously. But I would be lying if I said it was only the sound that […]
Vinnie Rossi has a new thing. Launched back at the New York Show, LIO is completely at right-angles to his “traditional” work. It’s kinda weird to say it that way, because Rossi’s Red Wine Audio […]
by John Stancavage There was a red glow coming from the end of the tonearm playing a live Curtis Mayfield recording in the Musical Surroundings room. The place was dark, but the light being given […]
By Darryl Lindberg German Physiks, Ayre The German Physiks Unlimited Mk.IIs (circa $10K), a true omnidirectional speaker, were ensconced in room 1025 and producing very nice sounds indeed driven by Ayre electronics. I can attest to the […]
I’ve been twisting arms to get people into the PTE room for more than two years. I don’t have a business connection with the folks, but, show after show, they drop an ugly system into […]
By Darryl Lindberg The Voice that Is: Tidal, Bricasti, etc. The ever-gracious Doug White set up an excellent system featuring Tidal Piano Cera floor standing speakers (at $23K Tidal’s “entry” offering) and Bricasti electronics, including […]
So, guess who’s coming back to town? Yes, LH Labs is back with something new. Or rather, something not quite new, but something almost here. The Geek Pulse, LH Labs’ insanely successful headphone amp/DAC desktop […]
Chances are, you have an opinion about passive line stages, though in terms of “burning questions”, this particular polarizer seems to have dimmed a bit in recent years. The issue, at least as I can […]
by Darryl Lindberg High Water Sound: Hørning Hybrid Systems, TW-Acoustic, etc. What can I say that hasn’t already been said about Jeff Catalano’s show set-ups—or Jeff himself? As usual, Jeff wrung excellent sound from his […]
Brighton dealer, Home Audio Sound, got the Golden Shoehorn award this year. Cramming a pair of the big-boned JBL 67000 Everests ($75k) into a standard room in the Atrium is no easy job. Cramming them […]
by Darryl Lindberg Aaudio: Lansche, Ypsilon, etc. I think this year’s Aaudio system, featuring the Lansche 5.1 ($50K) driven by Ypsilon electronics, was one of the best I’d heard from Brian Ackerman. In the previous […]
Madisound, which my daydreams assure me is a magical paradise filled with sugar covered hills and whiskey lakes, where all the great DIY adventurers will rest when they die, and where everyone gets issued all […]
Fidelis AV, the New Hampshire dealer and importer of too-many of my go-to brands, showed off a simple system with some Harbeths and a La Rosita amplifier. Simple, in the Fidelis dictionary, means that I […]
by Darryl Lindberg VAC, Apex Audio: Focal Grande Uptopia EM The two large rooms featuring the Focal Grande Utopia EMs—VAC and Axis—produced fine sounds, as you’d expect, given prices asked for this stuff. The Grandes […]
by Darryl Lindberg Let’s get one thing straight right off the bat: the sounds we hear at audio shows like the Rocky Mountain Audio Festival are an indication—and sometimes just a faint indication—of what we […]
George and Carolyn Counnas of Zesto Audio were spinning records all weekend long, but when I walked in, it was Cat Stevens’ shivering voice that sent me down the spirals of memory to a place […]
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