High End 2015

High End 2015: Questyle

“Current Mode Amplification” is a magical phrase that brings out the inner meerkat from the headphone enthusiast crowd, and will cause spontaneous synchronized head-swiveling. Only a couple of companies are pursuing this interesting approach to amplification […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Audio Note UK

by Rafe Arnott The Audio Note UK room at the 2015 Vancouver Audio Show was my favorite, hands down, and David Cope, this time teaming up with Warren Jarrett from SMAudio in Fullerton, did not […]

Newport Beach 2015

Newport 2015: Von Gaylord Audio

by Rafe Arnott Von Gaylord Audio was showing off a complete system at Newport Beach this year, from DAC to speakers, to cabling, Von Gaylord represented with their top-notch tube-amplifier designs and weighty, heavy-duty construction. […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: AudioQuest

Though there are quite a few pretenders, there are few true giants in high-end audio today. AudioQuest is one of those giants. There are, I think, two knee-jerk reactions that the “typical audiophile” will have […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Lyra

Weeks before the show I found myself chatting with Jonathan Carr, designer among other things of Lyra, a range of bespoke moving coil cartridges and we promised to discuss things when finally face to face […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Thöress and Sperling

Some would say that Reinhard Thöress of Thöress Audio makes high-end audio like it’s supposed to be made. Simple. Pure. Direct. Tubed. I’ve been a fan for years — I’ve owned his phono preamp for several […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Esoteric Audio Research

Winding up Tim de Paravicini isn’t difficult — just tell him he’s wrong. Doesn’t matter about what, the Engineer of Fine Audio is pretty much ready to go toe-to-toe with anyone over anything. I’m having […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: TAD Labs

TAD Labs brought a show-stopper room, featuring their new Compact Evolution One (CE-1) loudspeakers. This system was, in a word, dominating. The speakers, shown here in an olive finish, are elegant and quite robust — but […]

High End 2015

High End 2015: Pendulumic

It happens periodically, where there will be this groundswell of resentment over pricing in high-end audio. As if the wallet of any individual were what was driving the price of any particular product. Instead of […]