Zesto and TIDAL Audio | AXPONA 2024


The Zesto Audio and The Voice That Is room, which also included Cardas, TIDAL Audio, Ortofon, Dr. Feickert Analog, Stillpoints and Tri-Planar, benefitted from the set-up talents of Doug White. Doug White, if you don’t know, is the owner of The Voice That Is and is the premium dealer and North American TIDAL Audio brand ambassador. His rooms are always amazing, and his attention to detail is known throughout the industry.

Words and Photos by Graig Neville

Zesto Audio, of course, was running the room and spinning the tunes. The vinyl was the star of this party starting with the Dr. Feickert Analogue Woodpecker Turntable ($7,390) with Tri-Planar VII-U2 tone arm ($7,500) and Ortofon Windfield TI moving coil cartridge ($5,999). The Zesto Audio Andros Deluxe II tube phono stage ($8,300) amplified those tiny RIAA signals. No digital to be found anywhere in Room 418!

tidal audio

The Tidal Piano G2 speakers, in a lovely wood finish, were singing with Zesto Audio Leto Ultra II tube preamp ($11,900) and Eros 500 Select monoblock amps ($35,000/pr). Room treatments by Stillpoints were strategically placed throughout the room and included Ultra 6 V2 ($1,079 each) and Aperture 2 panels in oak ($960 each).

Stillpoints also provided ESS42-46 racks ($13,788), amp stands ($1,999 each), and Aperture Silver stands ($719 each). Plugging everything together was Cardas Clear Beyond speaker cables ($10,750/pr), Beyond Interconnects ($4,750/1m, $6,500/2m), Beyond XL power cords ($3,100/1.5m, $4,600/4.5m), a Nautilus Power strip ($2,000), and a 1m Clear Beyond Phono cable ($5,120).

axpona 2024

Zesto also had their new Andros Spirit phonostage (starting at $2,997) on static display. This was the first time I think I’ve heard TIDAL Audio speakers on tube amplification. I’ve heard TIDAL Audio on TIDAL Audio electronics and Bricasti also uses TIDAL Audio in their exhibit rooms, but those are both solid state. Come to think of it, I also usually hear TIDAL Audio on digital. (A more traditional all-TIDAL system was playing in the Artisan Fidelity room which had a beautifully restored Garrard 401–it exuded the more typical TIDAL Audio house sound.

The Zesto didn’t add as much tube juice to the TIDAL Audio system as I expected. The Eros 500 is a beefy powerhouse that, depending on tube selection can pump out between 150 and 250 watts per channel. Vinyl made the sound very analog indeed. Dynamics and transients in the system were stellar, broadcasting the typical gusto of Tchaikovsky. I liked the sound and the gear, especially the Dr. Feickert Woodpecker table. What the Zesto did on the Piano speakers was rich, had the right kind of sparkle, and was imminently engaging.

If you would like to hear even more coverage from AXPONA 2024, check out our recap report and highlights from our audiophile-oriented show The Occasional Podcast. You can stream the episode direct from the embed below, or from your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.




the voice that is