Big Sound and the Clearwave Symphonia 7R
Ooooh, pretty! Is there a rule that audiophiles must be fetishists, too? If so, it’s written in the Big Audiophile Rule Book (BARB), right under the note that says we’re all f***ing nuts. But yes, […]
Ooooh, pretty! Is there a rule that audiophiles must be fetishists, too? If so, it’s written in the Big Audiophile Rule Book (BARB), right under the note that says we’re all f***ing nuts. But yes, […]
I bought the tickets, right? Whew. Hotel? Ah, right. Now, where is all that camera crap …. Yes, it’s time to start worrying and spinning in circles — it’s almost showtime! Friday-after-next, I’ll be hopping […]
There’s a lot of speculation as to the origins of the India Pale Ale. Most attribute the invention of the overly hopped (ie, bitter) beer to one George Hobson and his Hobson’s India Ale, but […]
I’m heading out to Gary Gill’s place in Baltimore today for a day of audio and microbrews. Micro-CAF is here! Gary’s got a bunch of locals swinging by with gear and beer for an all-afternoon […]
Yes — your free Part-Time Audiophile schwag is here. While it doesn’t precisely have your name on it, this fancy new shirt does have a swanky look. What do you need to do, you ask? […]
Part The Third As I mentioned in Part The Second of my experience with the Volti Audio Vittoras, BorderPatrol‘s Gary Dews stole the Voltis from me. He’s a cruel man, is Mr Dews, even if […]
Part The Second Or: What not to do when demoing new loudspeakers. It was a beautiful day. Okay, not really. It was overcast and threatening to rain. But to me, it was beautiful — I […]
Part The First Volti Audio‘s Greg Roberts arranged to send the pair of Vittora loudspeakers he used at RMAF directly from Colorado. Apparently, Stereophile’s Art Dudley wasn’t ready for them [cough], so in a very […]
Just booked my travel arrangements for AXPONA in Chicago (March 8-10th). Looking forward to a quick visit to the Windy City and meeting up with the rest of the TAS team. Not sure if I’m […]
Got this note today from Bill Campanale about Gary Dodd. I’ve been following the thread on Audio Circle, so when he asked me for a hand, I promptly face-palmed myself. Duh. Anyway, if you have […]
The first half of the year seems to be stuffed with audio show goodies. Obviously, I wish I could do all of them, but I’m not sure that’s reasonable or feasible. Which of these are […]
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — dismissing the sound quality at an audio show is disrespectful. It’s disrespectful to the manufacturers that make and sell outstanding products and disrespectful to those […]
First, hats off to Kerem Küçükaslan. His room at the Flamingo Hotel was, hands down, the most arresting, I heard in Las Vegas that week. Best In Show.
Stealth. It’s a fun word to say, but say it too many times in a row and (like many words), it really starts to feel a little funny in your mouth. Go on. Do it. […]
Jack Wu was showing off the new Woo Audio WA7 Firefly down in the free-for-all area at the Flamingo. The WOO Audio WA7 “Fireflies” Amp/DAC is a combination of high performance vacuum tube headphone amplifier […]
You have to go back a bit in the literature, but if you do, you’ll find stacks and stacks of glowing reviews about Kharma loudspeakers. The brand is legendary — and for the last 5 […]
My friend Paul introduced me to Accustic Arts about 5 years ago, and I’ve been a fan of the brushed steel beasts ever since. But I haven’t really run across them … well … ever. […]
Great big tubes in amps from KR Audio? What a surprise. Say hello to the new DXL! Priced at $33,500/pair, these new Kronzilla amps use the $2,500/matched pair T-1610 tubes from KR Audio. These things […]
Increcable had a pair of Sonist Concerto 4 ($5,895/pair) loudspeakers, one of my favorite (and reasonably priced) high-sensitivity loudspeakers, and were running them rather ably with their new iAMP TIA-280 integrated amplifier ($5,500). The TIA-280 […]
Voce Audio brought a killer pair of new loudspeakers to T.H.E. Show this year, the VA-3s ($35,635/pair). Driven by MSB 203 monoblocks (200wpc in Class A — $27,500/pair), a pair of front-ends was on offer. […]
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