Audio Note Schaumburg | AXPONA 2023

audio note schaumburg

Audio Note Schaumburg? Don’t I mean Audio Note UK? Of course I do, but back in my Florida coverage last February I called it Audio Note Florida, which amused me if not anyone else. So I’m carrying the theme over.

Words and Photos by Marc Phillips

I do have to admit that these are special times for me, covering Audio Note Schaumburg at AXPONA 2023 as well as FLAX, because my review system has been comprised of Audio Note UK components for the last couple of months and by the time I rolled up to the Renaissance Schaumburg I was totally transfixed by this legendary UK brand. Or, as Scot Hull said, “So…you’ve joined the cult.” Maybe I have.

axpona 2023

The Audio Note Schaumburg system had special meaning for me. I’ve been waiting for the last piece of the AN puzzle to arrive–the Audio Note UK TT Two turntable ($4,287) with the IQ3 MM cartridge ($1,248) and the Arm Three/II tonearm ($2,465). Since Adrian Ford-Crush of Audio Note needed this analog rig for AXPONA, and because I’m so reluctant to finish all the AN reviews and send everything back, I said sure, just send it to me after AXPONA. So the turntable you see here will soon be in my system.

Spoiler alert: I’ve always loved Audio Note’s middle turntable because it sounds so much like a Big Boy turntable while still looking like the old, modest Systemdek design.

audio note schaumburg

The rest of the Audio Note Schaumburg system included the AN-E/SPe HE loudspeakers ($12,450/pair), the CDT One/II digital transport ($4,978), the DAC 2.1x Signature ($6,662) and the Meishu Phono Tonmeister 300B integrated amplifier ($15,740). The Audio Note Schaumburg system is placed at a higher level of performance within the AN hierarchy than Audio Note Tigard, and I did hear a bit more detail at AXPONA than I did at home. But the same tonality carried the day–that whole bit about Audio Note UK sounding more like actual musical instruments than hi-fi is, as the British say, spot on. I’ll definitely have much, much more to say in the following months.


audio note schaumburg

audio note schaumburg

an-e hemp

If you would like to hear even more coverage from AXPONA 2023, check out our recap report and highlights from our audiophile-oriented show The Occasional Podcast. You can stream the episode direct from the embed below, or from your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.

Also don’t forget to check out our collaboration to commemorate the event with our solid bronze record weight available only for a limited run. This 800 grams of solid bronze features the PTA roundel on the top with also acts as a 45 adapter. You can purchase direct from the PTA Approved Store here on the site.

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