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CAS 2013

CAS 2013: Rethm

Rethm‘s progenitor, Jacob George, brought a simple, attractive system to the third floor. The speakers, his middle model Maarga ($8500), were partnered with his 16 watt, two chassis Gaanam integrated amplifier ($7500) and a Nagra […]

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CAS 2013

CAS 2013: ENIGMAcoustics

ENIGMAcoustics was present to demonstrate not just their impressive Sopranino super tweeter, but their new Mythology M1 bookshelf speakers ($15,000/pair, including the supertweeter and stands). The Mythologies, which were powered by Ayre amplification and a […]

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CAS 2013

CAS 2013: Zu Audio

I have a confession to make. It’s a little embarrassing, but I hope you’ll bear with me. You see, I never really loved Zu Audios speakers. Don’t get me wrong, here. I’ve wanted to like Zu’s […]