Stereolab and The Black Cat
Controversy! I get nervous talking about cables. And actually writing up a review? Sheesh. The problem is that there’s still a rather tenacious debate going on in audiophile land about whether or not cables can […]
Controversy! I get nervous talking about cables. And actually writing up a review? Sheesh. The problem is that there’s still a rather tenacious debate going on in audiophile land about whether or not cables can […]
Well, it looks like the news isn’t all bad with Lion. I’ve upgraded my server (for fun and spite) and sure enough, everything is working fine. Drivers will be out for Weiss and Sonos (if […]
I woke up this morning, refreshed and pleased with the day. It was a Monday, and all things considered, I like Mondays. I never said I don’t have serious problems. Anyway, there I was, enjoying […]
From Sonos: Dear Valued Sonos Customer, Our records show that you are a user of the Sonos Desktop Controller for Mac. As you may know, Apple has released an upgrade to its Mac OS X […]
I spoke with Michael Ritter of Berkeley Audio today about the long-delayed USB interface from Berkeley. It seems that the supply issue has been addressed and all necessary parts will have been received in the […]
I got an email from Sonic Studios today that I thought I would pass along. Might have some immediacy for those of you with Mac-based music-servers. Seems like we’re in for a rough patch with […]
From the coverage I’ve read, this seemed like a fun show to hit. And if the quality of the vendor turnout is any indication, RMAF this year will set all manner of records. Some of […]
Well, it looks like I failed to make the cut in the last 3.7 production run. Bummer. According to Magnepan, the next run should start up in about 3 weeks, and my slot will be […]
I’m not sure what to say about this room. I’ve heard the McIntosh speakers in several places, including the Gramophone in Columbia, MD, and I have to confess that I’ve never been partial to the […]
I remember the Border Patrol/Living Voice room from last year’s show, and recall (fondly) how it was one of the best, most relaxed, sounds at that show. Well, this year continues the trend with the […]
My biggest problem at CAF 2011 this year had nothing to do with audio quality, room acoustics, power delivery or crowds. It was products piano black finishes. They are absurdly difficult to photograph! Guess what? […]
We just wrapped up Gary Gill’s Capital Audiofest this past weekend and next weekend there’s Dagogo’s California Audio Show. In fact, I think there’s been at least 6 shows this year: CES, two AXPONAs, SSI, […]
I am a fan of Sonist loudspeakers. They’re efficient, (relatively) affordable, well-made, and most importantly, sound great. At CAF 2011, the Sonist speakers were teamed up with Mapleshade. The room dimensions were … ah … […]
The United Home Audio room had some of the prettiest speakers I’ve ever seen. The mbl gear in white is definitely worth a look-see as I can’t think of a better speaker to photograph […]
The Signal Collection’s Chris Sommovigo brought along a striking pair of Transmission Audio M3 loudspeakers. These speakers are the bigger brother of the startling M1i monitors I was so struck with when I first heard […]
I almost missed the JS Audio room, tucked away back into the corner of the hotel. I happened upon it by following the Gentleman Dan D’Agostino back to the room (all surreptitious-like) and I’m really […]
Admittedly, this was the room I was most excited to hear. Why? Well, this would be my first ears-on exposure to Joseph Audio’s newest family member, the Perspective. Announced back in January, Jeff Joseph told […]
Read a nice summary today on Computer Audiophile about some of the issues folks are having with (so-called) high resolution downloads: Many of us download our High-Resolution music from sites like “HDtracks” “High Definition Tape […]
Jeff Catalano of High Water Sound is an analog wizard and his rooms have been, universally, the sources of not only high-quality sound but some seriously awesome grooving. Jeff was sporting more or less the […]
The “architectural” look of these cathedral speakers don’t really hide the speakers, per se, but they do look very different than your run-of-the-mill loudspeakers. Whether or not this is enough to earn WAF will of […]
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