Audio Note UK and Deja Vu Audio — I feel like I’ve been to this island oasis before, cocktails anyone?
The Story
The whole vibe in this room was the story. For me it wasn’t about digging into the details of the system or synergy, it was about sitting down to enjoy some music with my analytical neural networks in full retreat. There could have been a world debut system in front of me and I couldn’t have cared less.

There could have been a world debut system in front of me and I couldn’t have cared less. Wait… did I say that twice? Can you hear me? Hello? This is a camp out and get high hi-fi system. If you’re into that sort of thing.
Deja Vu Audio definitely knows how to create an atmosphere worthy of your finest records and private stash. At first I was like, “these edibles are trash” then six or eight songs in, it was the old “G-d help me. I can smell my thoughts” routine. Still a sophomore I guess.
The Snozzberries Taste Like Snozzberries
One million percent natural vibe. It’s a weird and quirky thing. Just like the designs, names, and prices. If there were a Hollywood backdrop designed for Fear and Loathing in Capital Audio Fest, this would be it. Enjoy the images below.
Seriously, haul yourself to Deja Vu Audio in Vienna, Virgina —
The System
Audio Note TT-3 Turntable
Audio Note Arm 3
Audio Note IQ3 (Pocon) Cartridge
Audio Note CD 5.1x
Audio Note Meishu Phono 300B Tonmeister Silver Integrated Amplifier
Audio Note AN-V Interconnects
Audio Note SPe 3M Speaker Cables
Audio Note AN-E SPe HE Speakers
Audio Note An-E Signature Stands
Salamander Barcelona Audio Rack
Acupanel acoustic treatments throughout.

For more Capital Audio Fest 2021 coverage—CLICK HERE!

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