Talk about synchronicity. Brian Hunter and I were awaiting a private demo in the big Technical Audio Devices (TAD) room at the 2024 Florida International Audio Fest, and I received an email notification from PTA writer Graig Neville sending me a draft of his latest review–for the TAD C1000 preamplifier. Yes, it was a coincidence, but it was also a confirmation that Technical Audio Devices is everywhere these days, making another powerful push into the hearts and minds of US audiophiles.
Words and Photos by Marc Phillips
For the last few high-end audio shows, Technical Audio Devices has been exhibiting in a very specific and useful way, packing every single product they make into a large room, grouped together in all-TAD systems so that a show attendee can basically say “I’d like to hear this and this and this” and the exhibitors can fulfill the request. This show was slightly different, however–Brian and I were able to meet TAD President Shinji Tarutani, who has been with this Japanese company for over 30 years.
Despite a faux pas–I forgot to bring business cards to a meeting with a respected Japanese businessman–I was still able to ask a couple of questions. First, is it T.A.D. or “Tad”? I asked only because Dave Malekpour of PAD Hifi (the new distributor) pronounced it “Tad,” and I had that KEF-like moment of realizing I’ve been saying TAD wrong all these years. Tarutani-san’s diplomatic answer was that either way is fine, even though he says “T.A.D.” Perhaps that’s why I keep calling this company “Technical Audio Designs”–I’m playing it safe.
The second question was just a confirmation–is Pioneer still TAD’s parent company? With this new increased presence in the US, coupled with some vague scuttlebutt in the corridors, I thought maybe Technical Audio Devices had gone its own way. Nope, TAD is still a part of Pioneer. That brings up my continuing interest in this corporation over the years–you never know when they’re going to make something unexpectedly spectacular, be it from TAD or Pioneer UK or Pioneer Elite or Andrew Jones. But TAD seems to be under the firm grasp of Tarutani-san these days, and they’re producing some incredible gear.
Graig Neville has been quite effusive about Technical Audio Devices–I’d forgotten he scored the C1000 preamplifier for review. As for me, I might be able to review a pair of speakers that have always been a huge favorite of mine–those chunky Compact Evolution TX stand-mounted three-ways ($40K/pair with dedicated stands) that I first heard about a dozen years ago. They had a big and thrilling sound that I’ll never forget. So when Technical Audio Devices asked me if I was interested in reviewing anything I immediately said the CE1TX-WN, the latest version. I’m giddy just thinking about that.