Newport 2016: PranaFidelity lures music lovers
I’m a sucker for reel-to-reel tape machines. Although I don’t own one — yet — I am absolutely fascinated when I see one. It seems tape is the next ancient technology, after vinyl, to be […]
I’m a sucker for reel-to-reel tape machines. Although I don’t own one — yet — I am absolutely fascinated when I see one. It seems tape is the next ancient technology, after vinyl, to be […]
The ENIGMAcoustics room, paired with Questyle at AXPONA garnered best sound from me in Chicago for its incredible impact, so I was looking forward to hearing that relationship grow in California at T.H.E. Show in […]
At CAF this year, audio veteran Klaus of Odyssey Audio made yet another extremely convincing case for not spending your kids’ college fund on a hi-fi. I’ll just say it — this is getting a little […]
There’s something to be said for 240 lbs of digital-active loudspeakers (analog gain & filtering featuring proprietary Meridian Class-A discrete amplification – 600 watts/speaker) with built-in DSP, and DACs, that can pretty much be put […]
Texas based Believe High Fidelity has been hittin’ the gym recently. They were pumping some iron, as they loaded the beautiful Aries Cerat Kassandra MK II Dac (60kg), Aries Cerat Diana Forte Stereo amp (132kg) […]
Why do you go to an audio show? Is it to consort with the like minded? Shop? Explore an alien world? There are a lot of answers to this “why” question, but one of the […]
Ampsandsound may be missing a few spaces in its name, but a visit to its room at T.H.E. Show in Newport revealed the company wasn’t lacking much else. Indeed, the business founded by medical social […]
Any time, any Transfiguration Low Output Moving Coil (LOMC) cartridge is perched on the end of a tonearm, and dragging it’s nail head through a filthy trough of vinyl grooves, I get a little excited. […]
Melania Trump isn’t the only Slovenian export drawing attention this year. It turns out the country also is home to a high-end firm that makes speakers so beautiful they could share the runway with real […]
You ever get the feeling you’ve stumbled into the wrong room, or taken a wrong turn, and ended up somewhere unintended? You find yourself peering around slowly, skeptically, taking things in as you attempt to […]
I suppose it shouldn’t have been surprising to see, but the team-up between two American-Made brands was unexpected — and delightfully so. Daedalus loudspeakers, a visually striking example of modern design meets retro styling, paired […]
Resurrection can be defined as something living coming back from the dead, and to me that is exactly what Gordon Burwell Sr., and his sons have done with their vintage Altec-based speaker designs. This is […]
I occasionally have friends say to me, “Hey, you write for an audio magazine. How can I get a good hi-fi system without spending as much as you have?” These are the folks who are […]
Bryston may be best known for two things: its fine-sounding, high-power amplifiers and its unmatched 20-year product warranty. But a trip to its room at T.H.E. Show in Newport proved the company has much more […]
The unassuming, and slightly rumpled dude in the corner of a Colleen Cardas Imports room at Newport Beach looked aloof, smart, and slightly bored as he scrolled through the screen on his smartphone. I immediately […]
Sparks, Nevada-based Perla Audio has come a long way in a short time. Founded only in 2012, the family-owned company has increasingly been generating attention at the major shows. Newport 2016 was a continuation of […]
Kevin Deal is known as “uncle Kevvy” to many mail-order customers at his store, Upscale Audio, in Upland, California. He’s an enthusiastic guy, and a bit of a softie, always volunteering to make shoppers a […]
An Evening of Revolutionaries and the Uphill Battles of a Hobby Previously Thought to be on The Demise I didn’t think I’d have the luck of seeing KEFs Johan Coorg so soon after a fast-moving […]
In these times of $150,000 speakers, $60,000 amps and cable that can approach those two numbers combined, it always warms my heart to see a company set its sights on a more affordable niche in […]
Baron Timothy de Paravicini is a name I instantly associate with exquisite-sounding audio gear. He was involved with legendary brands like Luxman, Quad, and Musical Fidelity – works closely with a number of high-end recording […]
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