Lampizator meets AudioNec | High End 2019

Core Power Technologies
High-End 2019 show coverage brought to you by Core Power Technologies

Lukasz Fikus of Lampizator listened to the big AudioNec Diva XL speakers and fell in love with them, so for this year’s show, it made sense to show up with AudioNec.

AudioNec’s Francis Chaillet and Herve’ Brasebin brought their new line of speakers to the show, the EVO, and being more precise, the smallest of the lot, the EVO 1.

This is a modular design, with the “Duopol DS” full range driver that acts as tweeter and midrange is a very interesting and almost revolutionary design. It can be upgraded to the EVO 2 by adding another bass unit, the EVO 3 by adding another unit and so on all the way to a mega huge 4 cabinet system.

Amplification was provided by a pair of Jadis JA 80mkII, good for 60W in class A driven directly by the Lampi DAC while Nodal Audio helped with a fancy looking power strip, the “LMP-1 Opera” and cables from the “Rhapsodie” top of the line series, the overall presentation was interesting with extended high frequencies and decent bass for the system’s size but it lacked the warm and full-bodied sound the Pacific DAC I know is capable of.

I am almost sure that in a proper upper floor room, and with the big EVO 4 speakers playing with bigger Jadis models and the Lampizator Pacific DAC, we would be talking about one of this year’s best systems.

Next year, perhaps.

High-End 2019 show coverage brought to you by The LSA Group

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