While I have been to a great many audio shows over the years, there is always a few new brands that have escaped me. I was pleasantly surprised with a stop by the Turnbull Audio room, located in the big tower at AXPONA 2024 in Chicago this year.
I managed to squeeze in a last minute listen on Sunday just before I headed out for the airport – sidestepping what turned out to be a massive traffic jam on Monday. What I heard was very impressive, articulate highs and punchy lows on several tracks featuring female vocals.
Words and Photos by Brian Hunter
Fronted by a pair of Rosso Fiorentino Audio Fiesole series 2 standmounts (on some pretty luxurious stands), Audio Thesis and, of course, Turnbull Audio cables – the room managed to collect quite a cohesive sound for attendees by Sunday morning. It was perhaps the calmest I had seen the tower that weekend, from an audio show that is quickly gaining the reputation for being the biggest ever in the US. That title well earned IMO, as the organizers have been on top of their game for the entire run of audio shows hosted in Schaumburg, just a short drive west of ORD.
The room delivered that big sound that I expect from high-end bookshelves, with definition and imaging to match even the challenging situation of setting up a new room in a new location. The female vocals hung in the air just up and dead center from the equipment rack, a good sign that everything is locking in place sonically. Overall the system had both a unique look and reliable sound from which to draw from.
A first-hand run though of the system is available via our YouTube channel along with video coverage from over 25 other rooms at the AXPONA 2024 event.
If you would like to hear even more coverage from AXPONA 2024, check out our recap report and highlights from our audiophile-oriented show The Occasional Podcast. You can stream the episode direct from the embed below, or from your favorite podcast platform including iTunes, Android, Google, Deezer, Spotify, iHeartRadio and more.