Rockport and Stillpoints | AXPONA 2022


The Rockport Technologies and Stillpoints room was rocking cool gear and playing Hans Zimmer’s haunting original soundtrack for Dune. [See, I wasn’t the only one at the show making people play Zimmer–Ed.] This was EPIC sound in a small room, not surprising since the Renaissance Schaumburg’s upstairs rooms tended to be a little cramped.

In the Rockport Technologies and Stillpoints room, the new ESS Ultra Turntable Stand from Stillpoints–with Ultra 7s, Rail Grids and Ultra 6s ($65,000)–supported top-flight gear from:

  • Viola Audio Labs Sonata Preamp ($33,800 USD) and Cadence Amplifier ($35,000 USD)
  • Rockport Technologies Atria II Loudspeakers on Ultra 7s ($37,892/pr USD)
  • Bricasti M1 SE Mdx DAC ($10,000 USD)
  • Wolf Audio Systems Alpha SX Music Server System ($10,495 USD)
  • Madison Audio Labs Eclipse AG XLR 1M cables ($1,950 USD) and AG Speaker cables ($3,000 USD)
  • Telos QRC Line conditioner ($13,200 USD) and Active AC cables ($3,200 USD)
  • Shunyata Research Sigma USB Cable ($2,000 USD)

All of the gear in the Rockport and Stillpoints room was supported by the latter company’s isolation products such as the Apertures ($960 each), the Aperture Stands ($1,920 each), and the Stillpoints Component Stand with Ultra 6s ($6095). Stillpoints definitely knows how to make the most sonically of a hotel room with thoughtful and precisely placed room treatments to complement the gear. (If you’ve ever had a chance to test out Stillpoints in your own system with or without Rockport Technologies, or at a demo, you’ll know why they’re so highly regarded in the audio industry.)

The Rockport and Stillpoints room made my Top Five of the show!

If you would like to hear even more coverage from AXPONA 2022, check out our recap report and highlights from our audiophile-oriented show The Occasional Podcast. You can stream the show direct from the embed below, or from your favorite podcast platform including iTunesAndroidGoogle, Deezer, SpotifyiHeartRadio and more.

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