Reviewers on Reviewing | AXPONA 2022

Julie Mullins, a Contributing Editor for Stereophile, interviewed Greg Weaver (The Audio Analyst), Michael Lavorgna (Twittering Machines), and our own illustrious Editor-in-Chief Marc Phillips for the new “Reviewers on Reviewing” seminar.

The conversation, as you’d expect, ranged all over the place. Julie led the team over the river and through the woods:

  • What was your first review and how did it go?
  • What do you do when the gear you’re trying to review is “suboptimal”?
  • What was the last thing you set on fire and was it on purpose?
  • Have you ever needed to call in bomb disposal?
  • How many Lamborghinis do you drive now that you’ve hit “the big time”?

You know, the usual.

It’s always surprising to me when folks ask about reviewing like there is some kind of mystery involved. I’m almost sad to say that the only mystery involves how reviewers are expected to move 450lb amplifiers around on their own (looking at you, Gryphon Audio).

Personally, I’m delighted to see these forums happen. It’s an excuse to revisit past glories, tragedies, and other audio weirdnesses. You may be surprised to hear this, but most reviewers are generally happy to talk about what they’ve done and how they do things. We all have our own process, our own approach, our own philosophies, our own biases, and all that jazz. And, again, despite expectations, most reviewers are perfectly happy to explore that with you. Hard as it may be to believe, we do this because we like it — the only reviewers getting rich happen to have started rich, and that’s a fact.

Hope to see you at a future seminar!


If you would like to hear even more coverage from AXPONA 2022, check out our recap report and highlights from our audiophile-oriented show The Occasional Podcast. You can stream the show direct from the embed below, or from your favorite podcast platform including iTunesAndroidGoogle, Deezer, SpotifyiHeartRadio and more.

About Scot Hull 1063 Articles
Scot started all this back in 2009. He is currently the Publisher here at PTA, the Publisher at The Occasional Magazine, and the Executive Producer at The Occasional Podcast. There are way too many words about him over on the Contributors page.