RMAF 2013: First Intermission
And now for something completely different. We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a breaking story (check back soon). I’d hoped to get this out before RMAF, but it didn’t happen, and with RMAF looking […]
And now for something completely different. We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a breaking story (check back soon). I’d hoped to get this out before RMAF, but it didn’t happen, and with RMAF looking […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis People say that the auditory memory only lasts a few seconds but I disagree. The emotion that a well set up system playing beautiful music can create, lasts an eternity. With […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis Importer Solid Foundation has some impressive brands in his arsenal, including Kondo, Mactone and Blumenhofer but in this year’s show brought a system that was somewhere in the middle between real-life […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis British legend QUAD (founded 1936..) had on display 2 rooms, full of goodies and ranging from classic line electronics all the way up to reference electrostatic speakers. The bigger of the […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis No show should be called a show without at least a room featuring Wilson speakers. And the Alexia’s were here, in stunning black, paired with Burmester’s reference line 077 preamp, 909 […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis The quintessence of shows are live demonstrations and Keith Martin, founder of IsoTek is tailor made in giving such demos. The system he used was Primare electronics (CD 32 and Integrated 32) […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis I know I should be writing about the fabulous Acapella Violon in stunning red cherry color or the excellent electronics made by Einstein, but I am completely biased towards analog reproduction […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis In every national AV show, “native” designers have the chance to showcase their products for the local community of aficionados. This was the system that impressed me the most among the […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis Focal had a massive presence in the Athens AV show this year, with a couple of dedicated rooms to the company’s products. I say “company’s” and not “companies” because, for those […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis After 12 entire years, Nordost finally released the new version of their reference line of cables, the Valhalla 2 and Rune Skov from the company’s training team was in Athens, demonstrating […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis Pure European Hi End sound is the way to describe this system. Gryphon Audio Designs of Denmark is known for their exquisite electronics, both in design and sound but in this […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis Are you into classic music? Always dreamed about a theater-like sound? Maybe you have a recital class gran coda piano in your listening room? If so, you must check the Brodmann […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis There are two types of show rooms, the ones full packed with equipment and the ones that host a clean system playing music nonstop. I love the clean ones. Not too […]
By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis It is yesterdays news the fact that B&W bought the Canadian Classe’ Audio and since then the two companies work side by side, trying to create the perfect speaker- electronics match. […]
–By Dr. Panagiotis Karavitis I bet you all heard the news: Greece is facing a financial meltdown and the last couple of years have been an economical nightmare for most of us living down here. […]
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