Geshelli Labs | FLAX 2023
Before I talk about the Geshelli Labs room at FLAX 2023 I need to say something. Folks, this started out as a Florida event, which the organizers wisely placed in February, away from other major […]
Before I talk about the Geshelli Labs room at FLAX 2023 I need to say something. Folks, this started out as a Florida event, which the organizers wisely placed in February, away from other major […]
Aluminum speakers, such as the Mon Acoustic monitors at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo, seem to be gaining a foothold in the audiophile world. Stenheim has been around for a while, and the Alumine Two […]
Covering audio shows has always been a favorite part of doing Part-Time Audiophile. In a way, it’s kinda how we got our start. Way back in the day, most “audio destinations” largely ignored shows, and […]
I admit that posting my Top Five rooms at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo on Brian Hunter’s AudioHead site might have been premature. Now everyone already knows my Top Five, and I don’t want to […]
There is something about Avantgarde Acoustic and I don’t know what it is. Always has been, if I’m being honest. The speakers are large, imposing, and impossible to ignore — and, to my eye, in […]
One of the best parts of an Andrew Jones loudspeaker launch, such as the MoFi Sourcepoint 10, is an Andrew Jones presentation. Perhaps one of the most accomplished designers working in the industry today, he’s […]
What is the Focal OD Stone 8? Well, I’ve been hitting the Focal and Naim rooms at the last few high-end audio shows pretty hard for a few reasons. First, I’ve been getting a steady […]
First of all, let me apologize for the mediocre photos of the Margules Audio and Raidho room at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo. As usual, that room was one of the darkest rooms at the […]
It’s almost impossible for me to be impartial or objective when I visit The Three Amigos room at a high-end audio show. I’ve been consistently blown away by the sound that Greg Roberts (Volti Audio), […]
It’s been a few years since I last visited Gershman Acoustics at a high end audio show. The last time was the first time, I believe–I had introduced myself to Eli and Ofra Gershman because […]
Room 1009 at the Florida Audio Expo showcased another brand-new component with which I was not familiar, namely the MC Audiotech TL-12 loudspeaker, retailing for $25k, with plenty of options available. MC Audiotech has made […]
Room 418 at the 2023 Florida Audio Expo featured kit solely from California-based company TriangleART, all from the mind of Tom Vu, and I found it quite impressive. The speakers were the TriangleART Metis horns, […]
They’ve been showing together for so long that I have a hard time remembering when the last didn’t. Triode Wire Labs, BorderPatrol Audio Electronics, and Volti Audio are, for better or worse, linked in audio recent […]
I walked into room 713 at the Florida Audio Expo was met with a very pleasant surprise. While the Wireworld cables and Electrocompaniet amplification in the room were not new to me, I haven’t spent […]
The story of Philip O’Hanlon and the Graham Audio LS8/1 loudspeaker goes back a couple of years, when my audio mentor Gene Rubin sent me a message to review it ASAP. After all these years, […]
It felt strange to travel all the way across the country, Portland to Tampa, leaving behind a system of mostly Audio Note UK components just to wander into another room filled with mostly Audio Note […]
A few years ago I was personally invited to visit Endow Audio at FLAX 2020, the first and only other time I covered the Florida Audio Expo. Endow loudspeakers featured an ambitious Point Array speaker […]
I’m a big fan of Linear Tube Audio. I’m a big fan of Credo of Switzerland. So when I walked into the LTA and Credo room at the Florida Audio Expo in Tampa, I was […]
In the MC Audiotech and ModWright room, Mark Conti and Paul Paddock brought their long-awaited new speaker, the TL-12. If you remember, I reviewed the larger MC Audiotech Forty-10 last year and encountered a couple […]
You already know I love Jeff Joseph and his speaker designs. He usually makes it to my Top 5 at every show where he exhibits. But at FLAX 2023 he pulled a quiet little trick […]
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