Holm Audio and the Antal Audio Group | AXPONA 2024

Supported by local brick and mortar dealer Holm Audio, Antal Audio Group (Triangle, Electrocompaniet and Soullines) featured the Triangle Magellan 40th Anniversary Duettos ($7,000/pr) that our Editor-in-Chief Marc Phillips just recently reviewed–and loved. The Duettos […]


Perfect8 Cube T | AXPONA 2024

Usually when I encounter Perfect8 Technologies speakers from Germany at high-end audio shows, it’s The Cube, a small bookshelf monitor with matching subwoofer made from glass. The Cube always captures my attention because it images […]


Zesto and TIDAL Audio | AXPONA 2024

The Zesto Audio and The Voice That Is room, which also included Cardas, TIDAL Audio, Ortofon, Dr. Feickert Analog, Stillpoints and Tri-Planar, benefitted from the set-up talents of Doug White. Doug White, if you don’t […]


TAD Laboratories | AXPONA 2024

Distributor and custom studio designers PAD had the sponsors of the AXPONA badge lanyards, TAD Laboratories, in rooms 1239 and 1240. TAD president Shinji Tarutani-San was in attendance, showing that TAD is serious about making […]